Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blue Candle Lighting at Navy4Moms~

Blue Candle Lighting-Navy4Moms!
Welcome to all Moms and we invite you to join us throughout the future Year to light a blue candle in honor of our sailors, past, present and future to honor the service and sacrifice they each give by being away from their families...We honor the Military for the sacrifice they make 24/7/365. Light a blue candle on Holidays, Birthdays, Memorials and celebrate the lives of our Navy and Military that keeps our hearts and lives free. In your own home, or wherever you are at. LET YOUR BLUE CANDLE SHINE. You can rsvp that you will STATE YOUR CITY AND STATE, then comment on Birthdays, honor to someone throughout the year.... Keep the Blue Candle Burning. visit the group too of Home for A Holiday/by the BLUE CANDLE MOMS. The start and end time will be changed weekly to keep it going.

Got a child in the Navy or thinking about joining? Get and give answers, support, and love to other Navy Moms here.

Buy awesome Navy Mom gear here.


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