Saturday, March 14, 2009

How to put your own Message In A Bottle~

How to have your own Message In A Bottle:

1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle
2. Right click and Save the graphic above
3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
4. Return your anonymous "Message In a Bottle" to me via email ~ sendmessageinabottle at yahoodotcom.

Your virtual bottle will remain afloat in the Blogosphere Ocean for all blogernity.You may post the virtual bottle on your own website as long as a direct link is placed back to this blog. The graphic may not be altered.

Your submission will be numbered and dated. Send in as many as you'd like. If you choose to remain anonymous, no identifying information will EVER be disclosed to anyone. You can also choose NOT to be anonymous in which case I will post the name and url of your website.

Violent, profane, hate-filled, sexually explicit message bottles or otherwise inappropriate submissions, as deemed by the blog owner, will not be posted. ©

2008 Mimi Lenox All Rights Reserved


Unknown said...

There is no picture, just the dreaded x.

Delighted Woman said...

Fixing it now. Thanx~

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