Saturday, May 30, 2009

Prayers for me and my family

Hello fellow pray-ers. I am blogging to let u know of a current situation that I am facing and asking for you to pray that God moves in a big way on our behalf.

My husband and I have been estranged for over a year. He gets a Veteran's Pension check every month and until yesterday, he was giving me money to support me and our son, who is still in high school. He informed me that he has had me removed me from his check and will no longer be giving me any support.

I have a claim filed with Social Security for disability due to my arthritis and fibromyalgia. The lawyers have requested a court date for an appeal as my claim was denied twice. I filed in October of 2007. The court date could be as late as the fall of 2010. In the meantime, I have been living on the money my husband provided.

I am contacting the SSI lawyers to determine whether or not I can break the contract I have with them. Then my doctor will have to release me to work.

Please pray that God's will be done in this situation and that I am able to withstand whatever that is and that I will not grow weary. He promises to take care of us and I know this is in His capable hands.

It is possible that I will have to cut off my internet service for some time. If you do not hear from me for a while, then that it why.

I pray daily for all on the prayer lists and blogs that I am a member of...on Twitter, too. I will continue to lift all of you before our Lord. He knows what the needs are, even if I can not get online to read them!

In order to keep from sinning and hating my husband, I pray and ask God to bless him daily. The Bible says we are to pray for our enemies and this man qualifies. The Bible also says that a man who does not provide for his family is worse than a traitor. Please join me in asking God to bless him daily.

I thank you for your time and heart for those who need prayer.

Be blessed~



Laura said...

You are in my prayers.

Unknown said...

Prayers said.

Janis Lewis said...

I am praying for you. You are not alone.

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